An ultrasound-guided injection can be Traumeel, Wala, Zeel, Corticosteroid, Hyaluronic acid or PRP (platelet rich plasma). It allows a faster pain relief when appropriate.
Ultrasound guidance also allows other procedures such as joint aspiration (draining swelling from a joint), barbotage (aspirating calcium deposits from within a tendon), and hydrodistension (stretching ligaments and joint capsule to improve movement in conditions of frozen shoulder).
There is a significant amount of research which shows that ultrasound-guided injections provide better pain relief, longer lasting effects and improve mobility.
Injections performed without ultrasound guidance such as blind or surface marked injections may not be the safest method.
Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
Osteoarthritis of the hip, knee and other joints
Tennis elbow
Golfer’s elbow
Morton’s neuroma
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Plantar fasciitis
Shoulder impingement
Shoulder bursitis
Acromioclavicular joint pain
Rotator cuff pain or injury
Bursitis of all other joints
Are injections bad for you?
No. Injections is just another option to manage musculoskeletal pain or conditions. We tend to use homeopathy injections which have bio substances and minerals to lubricate the joint, as well as other options such as corticosteroids are available.
If I do one will I need them all the time?
No. It is a common misconception. You do it as and when the pain occurs. Your clinician will advise you depending on your condition what is best.
Are injections painful?
Your clinician can numb the area to avoid your feeling the pain if necessary.
Can I buy the injections?
No. These are prescription only medication.
Injections and ultrasound
Inline with Health
Room 3, North Wing, Turkey Mill, Turkey Court, Ashford road, Bearsted, Maidstone, ME14 5PP
Telephone number: 01622 522 160
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